Updates from Ntianu Center & Dr. Gail C. Christopher

Dr. Gail C. Christopher | Ntianu Center

a year ago

Registration Now Open! Virtual Rx Racial Healing Workshop for Co-facilitators Oct. 13 & 14

The Ntianu Center for Healing and Nature is pleased to offer the two-day Rx Racial Healing Workshop for Co-Facilitators, online via live-stream on Friday, October 13, and Saturday, October 14, 2023 from 10am to 3pm both days. This workshop is designed for leaders and those working on racial healing for communities and organizations. The registration fee is $700.

  • Day One: Introduction and Level One Circle Facilitation Principles.
  • Day Two: Level Two Circle Facilitation Skills and Practice.

Participants will improve their skills and gain an increased understanding of key Rx Racial Healing concepts, including the ABCs of Racial Healing (Affirmation, Belonging and Consciousness Change), Racial Hierarchy, Bias, Healing, and explore how to design effective racial healing circles.

The workshop will be held online and will be conducted by Dr. Gail C. Christopher.


Dr. Gail C. Christopher
2 years ago

Honoree: Most Influential Women Leaders in Health Promotion

The American Journal of Health Promotion features 13 of the most accomplished female leaders working in health promotion based on their contributions to health science, their mentorship, and their executive leadership for organizations with far reaching health impact.

Meeting and far exceeding these criteria, the American Journal of Health Promotion is pleased to honor: Gail Christopher, Michelle Nunn, Karen Moseley, Kerry Evers, Wendy Lynch, Rachel Mosher Henke, Catherine Baase, Carter Blakey, Kinari Webb, Laurie Whitsel, Jessica Grossmeier, Vicki Shepard, and Michelle McMacken.

Read article on Sage Journals

Dr. Gail C. Christopher
13 January 2023

Dr. Gail C. Christopher Receives Casey Excellence for Children Leadership Award

Casey Family Programs honors 10 people, one foundation for working to improve child and family well-being

Read the news release


Dr. Gail C. Christopher
05 January 2023

Marriage Statement


January 4, 2022


Michael K. Frisby


Statement by Dr. Gail C. Christopher, Executive Director, National Collaborative for Health Equity

Unlocking Our Fifth Freedom

President Joe Biden recently signed into law the Respect for Marriage Act. This landmark United States federal law passed by the 117th U.S. Congress repeals the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), requires the U.S. federal government and all U.S. states and territories to recognize the validity of same-sex and interracial civil marriages in the U.S., and protects religious liberty. 

While we must all applaud this amazing bi-partisan breakthrough, we should all be appalled that such a law was needed in this democratic nation, in this the 21st-century. Why is there a need to protect a fundamental human right and freedom for adults to love and marry interracially or to a person of the same gender?...

READ FULL STATEMENT at drgailcchristopher.com/marriage-statement.

19 December 2022

TFAH Announces Board Chair Transition

Distinguished Board Chair Dr. Gail C. Christopher to Step Down, Board Member Dr. Stephanie Mayfield Gibson elected Incoming Chair

(Washington, DC – December 19, 2022) — Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) announced today that the chairperson of its Board of Directors, Gail C. Christopher, DN, will be stepping down after 10 years of visionary leadership.  The Board of Directors has unanimously elected Board member Stephanie Mayfield Gibson, MD, as the incoming Board Chair, effective January 1, 2023.